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III. Administrator's Guide

Thanks for using ScienSe (SCIENtific SEarcher), we hoped that it will be useful and a help in your research work. We also, want to invite you to contribute with the development of this project either directly with code, giving new ideas for the software, reporting errors or saying to us what you like and what you dislike of ScienSe, with these you will contribute to make of ScienSe a better system.

  1. System Requirements
    1. Hardware
    2. Software
      1. For executing ScienSe
      2. In order to see the documentation
      3. For compiling ScienSe
      4. For modifying the documentation
      5. For participating in the ScienSe project
  2. Preparing the environment
    1. Installing the software required
    2. Configuring PostgreSQL
    3. Configuring Apache
    4. Configuring htsciense
    5. Configuring Tomcat
  3. Installing ScienSe
  4. Processes executed by ScienSe
  5. The indexing process
  6. The checking process
  7. The adding information process
  8. The searching process
  9. Maintenance
  10. Backing up the information
  11. Getting support



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