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''I believe that the knowledge that I have received or that can receive from a teacher and of a book it does not belong to me; that one has only trusted to me; that it always belongs and it will belong to the humanity, which produced such knowledge through all the generations

I believe that I do not have right to administer to this legacy in form some that could harm to I generate human, its beneficiary. By the opposite,

I believe that she is my to have to administer it solely in good of this beneficiary, so that the world can get to be a more amiable place, placentero, and better in than to live.''

Taken from the Creed of the Scholar of the Dr John J. Seclman.

Scientific Searcher

ScienSe is a Free Software covered by The GNU General Public License, by members of the Faculty of Sciences and the Mathematics Institute at the UNAM, which objective is contribute to solve the problem originated by the privatization phenomena that the scientific research is suffering and the fragmentation that it generates.

An indexing motor, a relational database and a web based interface which offers access to the information in a easy way and platform independece, are the fundamental components used by ScienSe for facing that problem, contributing in this manner whit the international efforts within that direction.

Already this project is sponsored by Linperial International Systems



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