FAQ - User
- [2.1] ¿Qué características debe tener mi navegador para disfrutar de todas las cualidades de la interfaz?
- Aunque puedes acceder al sistema con cualquier navegador con soporte de marcos, el sistema funcionará mejor si tu navegador soporta JavaScript y CSS.
- [2.2] ¿Puedo añadir mi información personalmente?
- Si puedes, en el manual de usuario te dice como añadir autores, publicaciones y citas.
- [2.3] ¿Puedo obtener una interfaz en mi idioma?
- No, y no hay planes para que esto suceda, principalmente porque casi toda la información científica se presenta en idioma ingles y creímos que por esta razón no era necesario ofrecer la interfaz en otros idiomas.
- [2.4] Why ScienSe does not identify all the information of the articles
- There exits many reason by which ScienSe is not able of identify all the
information of an article correctly, the most commons are:
- The format of article is not common. ScienSe tries to identify all
the information of an article using probabilities, so, it is designing for
identify the information in the most common format, when this is not
true, ScienSe can not know which is the sort of the fields, so it gets
Altough this is not a problem that affects the most quantity of the articles
we hope to improve notably by using a neural network (see Future Projects
for more information about it).
- The programs that helps to convert the file, from any of the supported
formats, to text can no convert the file of the article correctly. ScienSe
can support files with different formats as pdf, ps, rtf and text, but
in order to work with a file, ScienSe requieres it to be as a plain
text file, so it uses some format converters that get those file as plain text
files. Unfortunatly, there are some programs that save the files with some
no standar characters or format, so the converters can not get all the
information from the files with that characteristic. Thus ScienSe receives
a damaged file different from the original.
- [2.5] I have install a new version of the converter filter, why does ScienSe
seem to have changed?
ScienSe can support different formats but in order to execute the algorithm
for identify the information it uses some converters format (as pdftotext)
so as to get all the files as plain text files.
When you install a new version or a different converter, the plain text files
might changed also, since the program which converts them have changed, so,
the file given to ScienSe could be diferent, and this could change the
- [2.6] Which is the "ideal" format, that ScienSe requieres for getting the
general information of an article?
- As there are a lot of different ways for writing an article, there is no
way to be sure about the sort of the information, so in order to improve the
performance of ScienSe is desirable that the files of the articles fulfill
certain formats. The desirable format is:
- The first line of the file should be the title of article, and
it should finish with an endline (enter).
- The authors should be separated by "," (commas) except for the last two
authors which should be separated by either the word "and" or the character
"&". For example:
Raggi Francisco, Urrutia Jorge, Miramontes P., Bracho J. and Viso Elisa
for meaning: 5 authors.
- If the article contains the month of publication the entire word in
english should be writen instead of any abreviation. For example: January,
and no jan, or enero, or something like that.
- The emails, if there is some, should be set in the same order
that the authors where writen, and if there are some authores with no email
address they should be set at the end. The email addresses can be separated
by ',' (commas) or only with ' ' (spaces). For instance:
Raggi Francisco, Urrutia Jorge, Miramontes P., Bracho J. and Viso Elisa
fraggi@matem.unam.mx, urrutia@matem.unam.mx pvm@fciencias.unam.mx
for meaning:
Raggi Francisco fraggi@matem.unam.mx,
Urrutia Jorge urrutia@matem.unam.mx,
Miramontes P. pvm@fciencias.unam.mx,
Bracho J.
Viso Elisa
By simplicity there should be at most one email address by author.
- The personal web page should be in the same order that the authors were
given, and can be separater either by and ',' or a ' ' character.
For instance:
Raggi Francisco, Urrutia Jorge, Miramontes P., Bracho J. and Viso Elisa
fraggi@matem.unam.mx, urrutia@matem.unam.mx pvm@fciencias.unam.mx
- The abstract should begin with the word "abstract" and should finish with
an end line character (enter). For instance:
"Abstract. This is an example."
This is an example"
- The phones should be a string of numbers with at least 5 numbers,
separated by the character '-'. And they should be given in the same
order that the authors. For instance:
Raggi Francisco, Urrutia Jorge, Miramontes P., Bracho J. and Viso Elisa
50-00-00-00 51-11-11-11 01-23-45-56-78-9 98-76-54
for meaning:
Raggi Francisco 50-00-00-00,
Urrutia Jorge 51-11-11-11,
Miramontes P. 01-23-45-56-78-9,
Bracho J. 98-76-54,
Viso Elisa ,
- The name of the journal or magazine should be given using any of the
following words, and should finish with an end line (enter):
- "journal". Example: Linux Journal
- "magazine". Example: Science Magazine
- "communications". Example: ACM Comunications
- "scientific". Example: Scientific American
- "proceeding". Example: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
- "book". Example: Algebra's book
- "review". Example: ACM Operating Systems Review
- "nature". Example: nature.com
- "science". Example: Science Online
- References section should the last section of the acticle, and should
begin with the word "references" (it does not matter if the letter are
upper or lower).
- 10.- Each reference should begin with one of the following ways:
- [anything] anything
- (anything) anything
- {anything} anything
- anything.- anything
Where anything means any character, number or letter different from the ones
that contains it. NOTE: the first reference shows the way in which the rest of
the references are going to be waited, so if the first begin with [1] the next
references should be given with [ and ]. For example:
[1] Marvin Minsky, "The Society of Mind", Simon and Shuter, 1985, 300p.
[2] Marvin L. Minsky and Seymour A. Papert,
Perceptrons: Introduction to Computational Geometry, (1988), MIT Press
(1) Marvin Minsky, "The Society of Mind", Simon and Shuter, 1985, 300p.
(MM) Marvin L. Minsky and Seymour A. Papert,
Perceptrons: Introduction to Computational Geometry, (1988), MIT Press,
{1} Marvin Minsky, "The Society of Mind", Simon and Shuter, 1985, 300p.
{a} Marvin L. Minsky and Seymour A. Papert,
Perceptrons: Introduction to Computational Geometry, (1988), MIT Press,
SM.- Marvin Minsky, "The Society of Mind", Simon and Shuter, 1985, 300p.
1.- Marvin L. Minsky and Seymour A. Papert,
Perceptrons: Introduction to Computational Geometry, (1988), MIT Press,
- [2.7].- Which is the desirable format for give the references of an article
according with ScienSe?
- Each cite should be given with the following format:
- The pages of the journal where the article is, should be given either
by two numbers separated by a '-' or by a number finished with
[SM] Marvin Minsky, "The Society of Mind", Simon and Shuter, 1985, 300p.
[P] Marvin L. Minsky and Seymour A. Papert,
Perceptrons: Introduction to Computational Geometry, (1988), MIT Press,
- The year of publication should be older to 1900 and younger to the
present year (of the computer where ScienSe is running). The year can
be given as the number alone or as (number) with the '(' and ')'
Marvin Minsky, "The Society of Mind", Simon and Shuter, 1985
for getting:
Marvin L. Minsky and Seymour A. Papert,
Perceptrons: Introduction to Computational Geometry, (1988), MIT
for getting:
- The journal should be the last string of the reference after erasing
the year and the pages. The journal is consider as all the string
before the last ',' (comma) character, so the journal should no
contain any ',' character within the string.
Marvin L. Minsky and Seymour A. Papert,
Perceptrons: Introduction to Computational Geometry, MIT
for getting:
journal = "MIT Press"
- The title should be the last string of the reference after erasing
the year, pages and journal. The title is consider as all the string
before the last ',' (comma) character, so the title should no
contain any ',' character within the string.
Marvin L. Minsky and Seymour A. Papert,
Perceptrons: Introduction to Computational Geometry
for getting:
title=Perceptrons: Introduction to Computational Geometry
- The authors are consider as contained in the string of the reference
after delete from it the year, pages, journal and title. Each author
is separed by the ',' character from the others and can contain the
word "and" or the character '&' separating the last two
authors. NOTE: as it is supose that each author is separated from the
others by a ',' the any name of author shoul contain the ','
character. Example:
Marvin L. Minsky and Seymour A. Papert
Raggi Francisco, Urrutia Jorge, Miramontes P., Bracho J. and Viso
Raggi Francisco, Urrutia Jorge, Miramontes P., Bracho J., Viso
- [2.8] Is the ideal format the unique format that ScienSe is able to
work with?
- No. ScienSe work reasonably good (it gets correctly up to the 50% of
information in an article) with almost any format, but the error's
probabilities increase when the articles do no have an usual format.
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